Welcome to our directory showcasing the best optical centers in the United Arab Emirates for conducting the RTA test. Here, you will find all the information about AL RAHA OPTICALS, a certified RTA eye test center located in the Emirate of MUWAILEH - Maleha St. We provide you with all the necessary contact information to visit or contact this center. Whether you are looking to renew your driver's license or need a comprehensive eye examination, AL RAHA OPTICALS is dedicated to ensuring your vision meets the required standards for safe driving. Explore our listings to discover the finest options available for your RTA eye test needs.

Information about AL RAHA OPTICALS

  • Phone: +971 50 357 8384
  • City: Sharjah
  • Address: MUWAILEH - Maleha St
  • Website: No information
  • Work Area: Eye care center
  • Ratings: Customers have rated it 4.6/5 ⭐ and it has over 5 reviews.
AL RAHA OPTICALS rta eye test


AL RAHA OPTICALS It is located at MUWAILEH - Maleha St, use the following map to easily reach them:

Opening hours of AL RAHA OPTICALS

Monday9:30 AM–11:30 PM
Tuesday9:30 AM–11:30 PM
Wednesday9:30 AM–11:30 PM
Thursday9:30 AM–11:30 PM
Friday9:30 AM–11:30 PM
Saturday9:30 AM–11:30 PM
Sunday9:30 AM–11:30 PM

Reviews and additional information about AL RAHA OPTICALS

Located at MUWAILEH - Maleha St, AL RAHA OPTICALS is a certified center for conducting the RTA test to obtain a driver's license in Sharjah. With a commitment to excellence and precision, AL RAHA OPTICALS ensures that all tests are performed with the highest standards. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call +971 50 357 8384.

With an impressive rating of 4.6 stars from 5 reviews, AL RAHA OPTICALS stands out as a top choice for your vision needs. This certified and highly recommended center is perfect for conducting the RTA eye test, essential for obtaining a driver's license in the UAE. The professional and friendly staff ensure a seamless experience, making AL RAHA OPTICALS a trusted name in the industry.

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