Yateem Optician - Fujairah

Welcome to our directory showcasing the best optical centers in the UAE for conducting the RTA test. Here, you will find all the information about Yateem Optician - Fujairah, a certified RTA eye test center located in the Emirate of Road 88 - Shk. Hamad Bin Abdullah Al Sharqi St. Whether you are looking for a reliable optician for your RTA test or seeking quality eyecare services, Yateem Optician - Fujairah is a top choice. Explore this center's contact information and address details to plan your visit or get in touch with their team for any inquiries.

Information about Yateem Optician - Fujairah

  • Name: Yateem Optician - Fujairah
  • Phone: +971 9 222 2068
  • City: Fujairah
  • Address: Road 88 - Shk. Hamad Bin Abdullah Al Sharqi St
  • Website: https://yateemgroup.com/
  • Work Area: Optician
  • Ratings: Customers have rated it 4.3/5 ⭐ and it has over 8 reviews.
Yateem Optician - Fujairah rta eye test

How to Get to Yateem Optician - Fujairah

Yateem Optician - Fujairah It is located at Road 88 - Shk. Hamad Bin Abdullah Al Sharqi St, use the following map to locate them:

Opening hours of Yateem Optician - Fujairah

Monday9 AM–10 PM
Tuesday9 AM–10 PM
Wednesday9 AM–10 PM
Thursday9 AM–10 PM
Friday10 AM–10 PM
Saturday9 AM–10 PM
Sunday9 AM–10 PM

Reviews and additional information about Yateem Optician - Fujairah

Yateem Optician - Fujairah is a certified center for conducting the RTA test to obtain a driver's license in Fujairah. Conveniently located at Road 88 - Shk. Hamad Bin Abdullah Al Sharqi St, this center ensures accurate and efficient testing services. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call +971 9 222 2068.

With an impressive rating of 4.3 stars from 8 reviews, Yateem Optician - Fujairah stands out as a top choice for eye care. This center is not only highly regarded but also certified and recommended for conducting the RTA eye test, essential for obtaining a driver's license. Their commitment to quality service and patient satisfaction makes them a reliable option for anyone in need of professional optical services.

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