Welcome to our directory showcasing the best optical centers in the United Arab Emirates for conducting the RTA test. Here, you will find all the information about AL WADI OPTICS, a certified RTA eye test center located in the Emirate of 56 4C St, Al Karama - Dubai. Discover all the necessary contact information to visit or reach out to this center for your RTA eye test needs. Explore our curated list of top optical centers to ensure a smooth and efficient RTA test experience.
Information about AL WADI OPTICS
- Phone: +971 50 641 5994
- City: Dubai
- Address: 56 4C St, Al Karama - Dubai
- Website: No information
- Work Area: Optician
- Ratings: Customers have rated it 5/5 ⭐ and it has over 214 reviews.

How to Get to AL WADI OPTICS
AL WADI OPTICS It is located at 56 4C St, Al Karama - Dubai, use the following map to find them:
Opening hours of AL WADI OPTICS
Days | Hours |
Monday | 9:30 AM–12:30 AM |
Tuesday | 9:30 AM–12:30 AM |
Wednesday | 9:30 AM–12:30 AM |
Thursday | 9:30 AM–12:30 AM |
Friday | 10:30 AM–12:45 PM |
Saturday | 9 AM–1 AM |
Sunday | 9 AM–1 AM |
Reviews and additional information about AL WADI OPTICS
AL WADI OPTICS is a certified center for conducting the RTA test required to obtain a driver's license in Dubai. Conveniently located at 56 4C St, Al Karama - Dubai, this center ensures a seamless and professional experience. For more information or to book an appointment, please call +971 50 641 5994.
With an impressive 5-star rating and 214 reviews, AL WADI OPTICS stands out as a top choice for your optical needs. This center is not only highly recommended but also certified for conducting the RTA eye test, essential for obtaining your driver's license. Their exceptional service and professional staff ensure a seamless experience. Choose AL WADI OPTICS for a trusted and efficient eye test.
Find other optical centers specialized in the RTA eye test in Dubai
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